04/13/24 – The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb? How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000? Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be? What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing? You might be surprised!
admin 0 43 sec read
04/06/24 -The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb? How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000? Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be? What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing? You might be surprised!
admin 0 43 sec read
11/25/23 – Originally posted 05/11/2022 but perhaps more relevant now than ever! Can it happen anytime now?Not what most people think or have been taught… Gog is likely another name for the Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) and his cohorts. He is from the tribe of Reuben and is also the Daniel 11 King of the North as he will enter Israel coming down from the far north (northern Europe). Ezekiel 38 and 39 are 2 separate Gog battles… Ezekiel 38 is the mid-tribulation invasion by Gog/Anti-Messiah to set up himself as king and the abomination desolation followed by a great earthquake and the splitting of the Mount of Olives allowing those in Judea to flee/escape to/through the valley of the mountains created by this split. Ezekiel 39 is the Gog battle known as Armageddon at the end of the 7 year tribulation after the witnesses are resurrected and ascend into heaven. YHWH makes a great feast of dead kings, mighty men and horses on the mountains of Israel to feed the birds and the beasts (also seen in Revelation 19). Then there is a 7 month burying of bodies and 7 year burning of weapons that takes place into the beginning of Y’shua’s (Jesus’) 1000 year Millennial Kingdom on earth. Then there is a 3rd Gog battle at the end of the Millennial Kingdom which is briefly mentioned in Revelation.
admin Abomination Desolation 0 1 min read
3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees
02/06/23 – 1 Resurrected Bride & 1 Kingdom of Israel. Thoughts on scripture, salvation, and who we are in Y’shua Messiah. Why would anyone want to convert to be part of the dead bride. Torah can not save without what Y’shua did on the cross or tree! Torah only instructs and then condemns. It is VERY VALUABLE as a teacher of how to live in our Abba’s Kingdom or House but even if you think you can keep Torah perfectly, it will not save you without Y’shua’s death on the cross and resurrection, period. Those that deny Y’shua is YHWH come in the Flesh are deceived by the spirit of Anti-Messiah. His invitation to eternal life is open to ‘whosoever’.
admin 0 37 sec read
The Embalmed Corpse of Israel
01/07/23 – Joseph Nations Delivered Israel’s Body Back to the Land… A surprising look at the last two Torah Portions, Vayigash & Vayechi. Are the Ezekiel prophesied dry bones of Israel with sinew and flesh on them actually the embalmed body of Israel which the Joseph nations delivered back to the land of Israel in 1949? Did the ancient nation of Israel die with Y’shua and become embalmed 2000 years ago? Israel the man… 7 Years of Plenty followed by 7 Years of Famine followed by the death and 40 day embalming of Joseph’s father Israel, followed by 70 days of mourning in all Egypt and then 7 more days of mourning by Joseph after he delivers Israels embalmed body back to Canaan. Has the nation of Israel been following after the pattern of Israel the man for the last 2000 years since the ancient nation of Israel died with Y’shua and went through a 40 year embalming process? Are we possibly entering the last 7 years of Joseph’s mourning for his father after delivering him back to the land? We will follow the scriptural patterns in today’s program and see where they lead us.
admin 0 52 sec read
Women in the Garden
7/11/22 originally from 2019 – Two Kingdoms to Choose From – Video Re-uploaded to Bitchute after entire Lamb Network YouTube channel and thousands of views were taken down by YouTube censorship of free speech for “violations”. In this video we are taking a closer look at scripture to see what it really says about women in YHWH’s (The LORD’s) Kingdom & Y’shua’s (Jesus’) Ministry. This a beautiful look at how our Messiah and Redeemer made sure not to diminish or trivialize a woman’s contribution to His Kingdom. In this video we seek to biblically answer the following questions: Is it biblical for women to be silent in the Church or the Assembly as Paul suggests in 1 Corinthians 14 except perhaps in teaching Sunday school to children or singing in the choir as many believe? Or at the other end of the spectrum should a woman be head of an entire church or assembly as head pastor or priestess? Or does the biblical guideline for women fall somewhere in the middle?
admin Biblical Healing 0 1 min read
05/11/22 – Not what most people think or have been taught… Gog is likely another name for the Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) and his cohorts. He is from the tribe of Reuben and is also the Daniel 11 King of the North as he will enter Israel coming down from the far north (northern Europe). Ezekiel 38 and 39 are 2 separate Gog battles… Ezekiel 38 is the mid-tribulation invasion by Gog/Anti-Messiah to set up himself as king and the abomination desolation followed by a great earthquake and the splitting of the Mount of Olives allowing those in Judea to flee/escape to/through the valley of the mountains created by this split. Ezekiel 39 is the Gog battle known as Armageddon at the end of the 7 year tribulation after the witnesses are resurrected and ascend into heaven. YHWH makes a great feast of dead kings, mighty men and horses on the mountains of Israel to feed the birds and the beasts (also seen in Revelation 19). Then there is a 7 month burying of bodies and 7 year burning of weapons that takes place into the beginning of Y’shua’s (Jesus’) 1000 year Millennial Kingdom on earth. Then there is a 3rd Gog battle at the end of the Millennial Kingdom which is briefly mentioned in Revelation.
admin Abomination Desolation 0 1 min read