Pool Covers & Installation in New Jersey – S&R Pools (2025)

The Different Safety Cover Types

Pool Covers & Installation in New Jersey – S&R Pools (1)

At S&R Pools, our goal is to help you with installing the right pool safety cover to fit you and your pool’s specific needs. Meeting the diverse needs of our customers requires that we provide custom, precision measured safety covers made with the materials to best suit your pool and your budget. We want to make this choice of materials easy for you to make, so below is an in-depth look at the different safety pool cover installation materials available in New Jersey.

Safety Solid XLS

Solid safety covers offer complete blockage of algae causing ultraviolet sunlight from entering your pool and keeping any leaves or other debris out. This level of protection keeps your pool looking great throughout the winter with only one drawback; solid covers are notoriously heavy. Enter the Safety Solid XLS solid safety cover.

XLS stands for extra light and extra strong. These fantastic solid covers are 22% lighter on average than typical solid covers and up to 290% more puncture resistant! This makes the Safety Solid XLS the perfect cover for people wanting the protection of a solid cover without as much weight.

Smart Mesh

Speaking of premium protection and low weight, our Smart Mesh safety covers are top of the line. Unlike other mesh safety covers that let ultraviolet sunlight into your pool, allowing algae growth, Our Smart Mesh cover blocks 100% of those rays. Typically, a solid cover would be necessary to get that level of sun protection, but solid covers can be cumbersome and require more upkeep throughout the winter season.

The Smart Mesh cover allows rainwater to filter through while still preventing debris from entering your pool. The Smart Mesh material has a filtration size of 40 microns, which is close to the filtration level provided by a sand pool filter. The Smart Mesh safety cover can offer debris protection comparable to a solid cover but 40% less weight.

Duramesh II

If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, our Duramesh safety covers may be what you’re looking for. Despite being our most easily affordable option, the materials used in Duramesh II safety covers are still top tier for quality. Compared to covers offered by other manufacturers, our Duramesh covers provide 22% more shade and are up to 174% more abrasion-resistant.

When it comes to keeping debris out of your pool, Duramesh II Safety covers are no slouch offering 37% better filtration than the competition. Overall, the Duramesh II safety cover is excellent for those wanting the advanced protection and safety of a top-of-the-line safety cover at a more affordable cost.

Advanced-Grade Mesh

Our Advanced-Grade Mesh covers are the toughest covers we offer. Advanced-Grade mesh can weather it all and is made to withstand the harshest conditions, from windy areas to rough brick or stone coping. Advance Grade Mesh also excels at covering the largest pools, where any other cover would fail.

Advanced-Grade Mesh material is made to be 66% thicker than standard mesh covers and can withstand 710 pounds per square inch to achieve these feats! We’re so confident in the strength of our Advanced-grade mesh covers that they come with a 20-year factory warranty. That’s nearly double the warranty offered by other mesh covers.

Replacement Custom Pool Cover Services

Over time, even your safety pool cover needs to get replaced. Our team works closely with our customers to find you the replacement custom pool cover that fits your pool’s dimensions perfectly. Our replacement pool cover services are designed to give you the confidence that your pool is protected from the elements during the off-season and is ready for you, your friends, and your family during the summer months. We have helped customers throughout North Jersey, South Jersey, and Southeastern Pennsylvania, including Burlington, Cherry Hill, Chesterfield, Township Columbus, Eastampton, Hainesport, Hamilton, Medford, Mount Laurel, Southampton, and Westampton, NJ.

The S&R Pools team has provided our customers with excellent pool cover installation services throughout New Jersey. We have helped with our customer’s liner installation and pool cover installations in Cherry Hill, Mt. Laurel, Lumberton, Columbus, Eastampton, Burlington, and Hainesport, NJ.

Whether you need a solid pool cover replacement or a new system installed — S&R Pools has you covered. Our experienced technicians will come out and inspect your pool and figure out the best way to ensure your pool is protected all year-round. Contact us to get your estimate and schedule an appointment today!

Pool Covers & Installation in New Jersey – S&R Pools (2025)
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